Real Property Management Premier

Enforcing The Lease On Your Rental Property


Enforcing the lease on your rental property is a vital aspect of property management. Property owners often find it difficult to tell if residents are upholding the terms of their lease. Even after spelling out the terms in clear language, some aspects of lease enforcement can be more trouble than others.

Enforcing the lease on your rental property: Over Occupancy

One of these issues is occupancy. On signing of the lease, you probably asked your residents to provide information about everyone who would be occupying the home. By clarifying who will live in the home, you’ve taken steps to protect yourself and your investment.

However, after the tenant has moved in, you may find it difficult to determine whether the occupancy terms are being followed. Occupants of single-family rental homes often invite overnight guests or others to the home. But problems can arise when those guests stay for an extended period.

Or when someone visits with such frequency (a babysitter) that they appear to be living there.  When, in fact, they are not. In other cases, residents may be sub-letting rooms in the property without permission from the landlord. This can lead to all kinds of problems for landlords and neighbors alike.

Enforcing the lease on your rental property: Handling violations

Per se, you should avoid accusing your residents of violating lease terms without proof. because such a mistake that can severely damage your relationship with them. But if you suspect an occupancy violation, gather as much information as you can and take appropriate action.

If unauthorized people are living in the home, this can put you at risk of violating occupancy laws in your area, as well as increase other liability risks such as inadvertently creating a tenancy if the person stays long enough. At the same time, you will find it difficult to correctly assess an occupancy situation from afar, or even know what to look for in the event a violation has occurred.

Enforcing the lease on your rental property: Using a property manager

Hiring a reputable property management company helps solve this problem. An experienced property manager can help you avoid the murky terrain of occupancy violations in several ways. First, they will include appropriate language in the lease itself, defining the terms of occupation.

A good property manager will properly vet potential renters, as part of the tenant screening process. They will carefully check for red flags and past violations. A great property manager will schedule and perform regular property evaluations, gathering information that can identify any contract violations. Finally, they will help you resolve the issue in the event of a violation, giving you peace of mind about your valuable real estate investment.

Instead of enforcing the lease on your rental property yourself, just imagine how much easier it would be to let Real Property Management Premier do it for you. Our property management professionals have the necessary knowledge and required experience. Look no further than Real Property Management Premier.

Contact us online or call 954-800-4433 and ask our property managers about our services in detail.