Real Property Management Premier

How To Cut Energy Costs And Improve Air Quality In Your Lauderhill Home.

Is it possible to cut energy costs and improve air quality in your Lauderhill home? Surprisingly, the answer is yes! More and more energy-conscious renters are pursuing rental homes that can lower their utility expenses without having to sacrifice their comfort year-round. So, to attract quality tenants and keep them satisfied, it is worth the few extra steps it takes to improve the energy efficiency of your rental property.

How Proper Sealing Helps Cut Energy Costs And Improve Air Quality

As highlighted by the US Department of Energy (USDE), weatherizing is the starting point for an energy-efficient housing unit. Firstly, weatherization refers to home improvements that reduce the amount of energy required to make a home more comfortable. This essentially includes four areas – moisture control, air sealing, ventilation, and upgrades to insulation used in homes. For example, weather-stripping your Lauderhill rental property prevents cold air from seeping out, and helps improve indoor cooling during the hot summer months. Not only does this improve the comfort of your home, but also cuts down on cooling costs simultaneously. And helps to make your home more energy efficient.

Cool air leaking out of a window or doorway is one of the key contributors to energy losses. It is a fact when cool air leaks out of an improperly weatherized home, it results in higher utility costs. Increased HVAC usage can result in as much as a 30% increase in electricity charges. In addition to problems resulting from poor indoor air quality, the high moisture content in the humid Florida climate is another problem. Because warmer outdoor air can also enter a property through cracks. Sealing cracks and gaps in windows, doors, doorways, and elsewhere is important.  Use caulk and weather-stripping to cut energy costs while improving the air quality in your Lauderhill home.

How Proper Insulation Helps Climate Control And Cut Costs.

Believe it or not, home air leaks can waste up to 40% of the energy you use for heating and cooling. But, whilst air leakage drives down energy efficiency, the lack of insulation also creates climate control problems and high energy bills. Have you ever wondered why some homes always remain cool in the sweltering and humid Florida summers? Why is it that the interior comfort level of some Lauderhill properties never seems to fluctuate, regardless of the weather conditions outside? The answer lies in the use of high-quality and efficient insulation, used to weatherize them. There are many different types of insulation, from fiberglass rolls that work best in attics to blown-in insulation for existing walls. Adding insulation in critical areas is a big step on the road to better energy efficiency.

Why Is Moisture Control Important In Climate Control?

Moisture control is another key element of weatherizing as high moisture levels lead to a host of problems. Excessive moisture in Florida your home leads to mold and mildew. And wasted energy,  because your AC system works overtime to remove excess humidity. Proper weatherizing reduces the intake of atmospheric air and its moisture. This helps to lower and manage the indoor humidity levels in your home.

Excessive humidity is the source of numerous problems like mold and mildew, to more serious issues running to the foundations. This is why, it’s vital to use quality insulation materials to seal up air leaks and ensure proper water drainage in your property to remove the condensate. But a word of caution here – The perfect airtight home is also not what works best. Homes require proper ventilation too, to maintain air quality. Good quality HVAC systems combine ventilation with the heating and cooling system, to ensure the correct balance, and are a priority here.

How We Can Help?

Weatherizing measures can undoubtedly cut down energy costs while improving the air quality in your Lauderhill home. But managing the entire weatherizing process by yourself can take a couple of days (or even longer) depending on the requirements of your houseHowever, using a professional property manager takes considerably less.  Also, bear in mind, that you need certified vendors for the different kinds of weatherizing tasks. This can come with additional costs and hassles if you are not mechanically minded, and inexperienced. Instead of trying to manage weatherizing tasks yourself,  why not let Real Property Management Premier do it for you?  Our professionals have the necessary and required knowledge to recommend the correct measures.

If you are interested in learning more, please contact us online or by phone at 954-362-5235 today.