Real Property Management Premier

Are Renters Damaging Your Rental Property Bathrooms And Don’t Even Know It?

Quite possibly, renters are damaging the bathrooms in your rental property and don’t even know it. Sometimes tenants who want to keep the house tidy can unintentionally damage bathroom elements or fixtures, despite the best of intentions. Applying the wrong cleaning products can be one cause, but more often than not, lack of regular maintenance is the primary culprit behind bathroom damage. Lack of care leads to accelerated aging of metal fixtures and plastic products, that no amount of cleaning can restore.

Often renters will resort to using corrosive or abrasive cleaning materials to remove grime accumulated over months, resulting in more damage than good. Then there are the “As seen on TV” wonder products, that promise miraculous results, but deliver little! However, by educating tenants on the proper cleaning procedures and aids, they will care for the bathrooms on the property the right way. And landlords will spare themselves expensive maintenance and repairs over time.

Avoiding Damage To Bathrooms By Regular Maintenance.

Bathrooms are invariably the most used rooms in a property and are subject to a lot of wear and tear as a result. No surprise then, they warrant regular maintenance and thorough cleaning. This is important not just from a cosmetic standpoint, but more importantly from a hygiene perspective. Without regular cleaning, renters could be damaging your rental property bathrooms without even knowing it. Timely cleaning and regular maintenance are the best ways to guarantee a bathroom is in a good working state at all times. However, there is no guarantee that a tenant will adhere to the cleaning routines, or address the different issues encountered during the cleaning process.

Regular maintenance goes a long way in preventing small issues from turning into major bathroom repairs. In the shower, simply washing the shower head and the faucets consistently with vinegar guarantees that they are working correctly. And that the water pressure remains constant. But most household cleaning products will not eradicate hard water buildup, and neither will abrasive sponges or scrub brushes. For tenants to clean fixtures without damaging them, you must show them the correct manner to do so.  Or they may accidentally do more harm than good.

Avoiding Hard Water Damage To Bathrooms.

Case in point, hard water (water with a high mineral content) is not unfamiliar in many areas of the country. As many landlords know, hard water is very common in Southern Florida due to the large number of limestone deposits. Limestone is a sedimentary rock that contains a high percentage of calcium carbonate. As Florida rainwater percolates through the limestone, the minerals therein contribute to the hardness of the water.

Ever wondered why it is more difficult for soaps, shampoos, and detergents to lather, in the shower? Or why this leaves behind an unsightly buildup of soap scum? Hard water causes mineral deposits that accumulate in and around plumbing and fixtures resulting in long-term damage. Rubber seals deteriorate, and sanitary fittings start to show telltale white stains, leaving behind unattractive rings in tubs, toilets, and sinks.

Over time, hard water leads to leaky pipes, and toilets, and irreparable damage to the mechanisms inside faucets and shower fittings. and cause a shower to lose water pressure. If left untreated, hard water stains become permanent on bathroom floor tiles, walls, mirrors, and surfaces, leaving replacement as the only option. The extended use of hard water also damages some home appliances like water heaters, laundry machines, and dishwashers, reducing their efficiency and durability over time. What’s more, even the dishware starts to look spotty over time. So, it is possible renters are damaging the bathrooms in your rental property and don’t even know it.

Steps to Eliminate Hard Water.

  1. Always flush out water in pipes sitting for an extended period.
  2. Purchase a whole-house Water Softener system.
  3. Once a month, test the water in your property and make sure to follow the prescribed water-softening routine. Also, advise your tenants to do the same.
  4. Every few months have a professional inspect the system

Avoiding Damage To Bathrooms Due To Water Leaks.

With proximity to multiple water sources, water damage in a bathroom is always a possibility. Often bathroom cabinets and floors sustain accidental damage, without the renter even being aware of the cause of the damage. That harmless leak underneath a bathroom cabinet or a dripping faucet may not look like it’s a pressing matter to a tenant. But even small leaks are a warning sign that something is amiss with the plumbing and should be addressed immediately. Otherwise, the unattended leak will lead to mold problems and damage to wooden surfaces and cabinets. And, if ignored long enough, leaking water will cause irreparable damage to the flooring. And even the subfloor beneath the bathroom’s tile or laminate.

Share these Tips With Your Tenants To Fix Water Leaks.

  1. Inspect the plumbing. If you are not sure how, have a qualified plumber check pipes and connections to make sure that they are all secure and in good condition.
  2.  Check for leaks under sinks, toilets, and showers regularly. Also, look around the walls, floors, and ceilings for signs of moisture.
  3. Test by tapping on floor tiles for a hollow sound. If this is the case, it’s likely that moisture has seeped underneath and caused the adhesives to weaken and damage the tiles as well.
  4. Check and maintain your water heater periodically.
  5. Reduce the moisture in your rental property. The warm and humid South Florida climate invariably leads to condensation problems in homes, as every landlord knows. Advise your tenants to turn on the extractor fan in bathrooms to ventilate the area after a shower.
  6. Open the windows and vents in the bathrooms to air them out regularly.
  7. Regularly inspect and fix any damaged or missing grouting in bathrooms to prevent water seepage and damage

Avoid Using The Wrong Cleaning Products In Bathrooms.

Using the wrong cleaning products on cabinets and floors is another frequent reason for accidental damage. Many responsible tenants make the effort to keep their rental homes immaculate and in good condition. Still, they may use harsh chemicals or other cleaning products that end up stripping the varnish off a wooden cabinet or compromising the seal on a tile floor. Exposed wood and grout are far more susceptible to mold and other moisture-related problems, and can quickly become not only an eyesore but also a health hazard.

How We Can Help?

Property owners need to ensure their tenants have a good understanding of proper bathroom maintenance and cleaning. However, conveying this information to them and then following up to see that instructions are being carried out can be time-consuming and lead to resentful feelings. This makes a professional approach to educating tenants about property maintenance one of the best ways to retain good tenant relations.

At Real Property Management Premier, we can provide the information tenants require and the oversight that property owners want to guarantee that each rental home is kept in the best possible condition. Contact us online or call our office at 954-362-5235 and see how we can help make your rental property ventures go smoothly and profitably.