Problem tenants are any property manager’s worst nightmare. Imagine, with all your preparation, planning, and interviewing, your new tenants are not working out the way you hoped. If you’ve been in property management for a few years, chances are you have already come across a few tenants who fall into the most common categories. The habitual whiner who is never out of reason to complain; the rule-breaker who runs illegal activity out of the property; the late-payer who never pays the rent on time; and the destroyer who trashes your property without a second thought.
Whilst rigorous tenant screening helps weed out potential troublemakers, a few still manage to wiggle their way through. As a property manager, you need to have one or two tricks up your sleeve to deal with the most common types of problem tenants. Before they make life difficult for the landlord, and even other tenants. Read on to understand the most common problem tenants. And how to handle them.
Common Problem Tenants – Late Rent Payers
Late payers pay the rent every month – but after the due date. Every time you talk to them, they’ll most likely have one reason or the other why they couldn’t make the rent on time. Apart from the inconvenience, rent delays can put landlords in a difficult financial position. However, if the tenants are not habitual offenders and you have a good working relationship, you can try to work out a via media to handle rent delays. Otherwise, the first step is to send out a late rent notice reminding them that the payment is due.
If you don’t see any signs of timely payment, give them a call and try to find out what is happening. In most instances, an open and frank chat helps. Where late rent payments have become a habit, you may need to consider tougher measures. But a word of caution on calling tenants! Be careful not to call them repeatedly because they can turn the tables on you and accuse you of harassment. Once rent becomes due, forward the tenant with the 3-Day Pay or Quit eviction notice. The notice simply tells the tenant that they have 3 days to either pay the rent that’s due or move out. You must, however, exclude weekends and legal holidays from this notice period.
If proactive property management is more your style, try preventing such situations in the first place. Send out reminder emails to tenants before the due date. Or try to incentivize timely rent payments over a fixed period of time. Late payers are one of the most common types of problem tenants. And by knowing how to handle them, you can do away with the hassle of late rent payments.
Common Problem Tenants – Rule Breakers
Most Pembroke Pines tenants are decent, law-abiding citizens. However, you can’t rule out a few bad apples. And you just may have a tenant who has become a regular nuisance to the neighbors. Or is violating the terms of the lease blatantly? Either way, you need to take action immediately.
As a first step, talk to the client to get their version of the story. Explain the situation and ask them to stick to the terms of the lease without exception. But, remember to stay calm and non-confrontational in such situations. Showing hostility or hurling accusations will only aggravate the situation, and make matters worse. If the problem persists and you see no signs of the situation improving, you may have to send out a cure or quit notice.
If, however, you suspect the property is being used to conduct dangerous or criminal activity, you may need to contact the authorities. They will take the necessary measures to ensure the safety of your property and that of your other tenants.
Tenants who damage the property
Many tenants take pains to maintain a property as their own, but there are others who do not. Some tenants even intentionally damage property out of spite or just carelessness. And then there are the modelers’ who make changes to the rental, without your permission. The problem with making improvements or repairs themselves is that often tenants are unaware of the damage they may be causing. With limited remodeling experience, any improvements they attempt could result in serious damage to the property.
While tenants are not expected to pay for the normal wear and tear of the property, in the state of Florida, they are liable for damages caused by unauthorized activities. In situations where the tenant agrees to pay for repairs, you can either send him the bill directly. Or add the charges to their rent. In more serious matters, you may need to confront the tenant directly. For this, you will need proper move-in documentation and photo evidence to claim the damages. These can be deducted from the security deposit at the time of moving out.
Regular home inspections are the best way to stay informed on the condition of the property. Also, proper renter’s insurance can help cover most of the common types of damage caused by negligence.
How We Can Help.
At Real Property Management Premier, property inspections are the primary line of defense against damage to rental properties. We conduct detailed and professional evaluations of your home both inside and out. These ensure tenants are complying with the terms of their lease. And also, to identify and assess damage to your property. Timely evaluations also assist in resolving tenant issues that arise from damage to the property, at an early stage.
Our property management professionals have the necessary knowledge and required experience. Look no further than Real Property Management Premier. Contact us online or call 954-800-4433 and ask our property managers about our services in detail.
We are pledged to the letter and spirit of U.S. policy for the achievement of equal housing opportunity throughout the Nation. See Equal Housing Opportunity Statement for more information.